Samui Exclusive

Mortgages and loans in Thailand

Mortgages and loans in Thailand If you are unable to pay for a property outright, then you may be looking for a home loan with local financial institutions. The good news is that loans are available for foreigners who meet the right criteria and here are more information about the process, the interest rates and the […]

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Samui Exclusive

How to retire in Thailand?

How to retire in Thailand? Thailand is a popular place to retire for people from all over the world. The cost to retire in Thailand is affordable compare to many Western countries or large Asia cities, and many locations have a way of life that is ideal for people who are looking for an easy […]

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Samui Exclusive

Why living in Koh Samui?

Why living in Koh Samui? Koh Samui is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Thailand and in the region. Not only does it attract many tourists each year, but the island is also home to many expats. Here we take a look at what living in Koh Samui is like, where to live, what […]

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Samui Exclusive

The right of usufructs in Thailand

The right of usufructs in Thailand A usufruct in Thailand is a property right that many foreigners are likely to be interested in. It gives them long term rights over property that are more secure than most other types. Here we take a closer look at what Thailand usufruct agreement, and what right the usufruct […]

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Samui Exclusive

How to conduct due diligence in Thailand?

How to conduct due diligence in Thailand? Whenever it comes to making an investment in real estate, it is always a good idea to investigate beforehand, and to prepare the project the best way, to make it successful. This is a process known as due diligence. Table of Contents What is due diligence in the […]

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Samui Exclusive

The property taxes in Thailand

The property taxes in Thailand As property owner, you will find taxes in any country in the world, and Thailand is no different. As such, when you are looking into property investment opportunities in the country, you should also consider how property taxes in Thailand might affect your ROI. Table of Contents What is property […]

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Samui Exclusive

The rights of Superficies in Thailand

The rights of Superficies in Thailand Foreigners can gain the use of land by being granted a right of Superficies in Thailand. It is particularly useful for foreigners who wish to develop property in Thailand. Here we take a look at what the right is, what the benefits are, and the laws regarding the agreement. […]

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Samui Exclusive

Where to buy a property in Thailand?

Where to buy a property in Thailand? There are numerous locations in Thailand that are ideal for investing, and this can make it challenging to decide on the best place to buy a property. Some places make perfect locations because of the way of life and culture, while others will offer a better return on [...]
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